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Islamic Heritage Herbal Clinic is a trado-Islamic clinic. Its activities and treatments are in lieu with Islamic teachings and prophetic medications. Its establishment has further propelled our research into Mental illness and its causes. This leaflet will further enlighten you about the kind of people being treated in this department of our clinic.
Words or terms that describe these kind of patients or mental illnesses:
Heart Disease
Mental illness
Chronic Mental illness
Mental illness from Substance abuse
Mental illness from Spiritual attack.
Common symptoms or attitudes among patients that are treated in this department:
Abnormal Behaviours
Lone talk
Heart palpitation
Believing that other people know their minds
Fear of being attacked by certain individuals
Roaring thoughts in their heads
Baseless and unhealthy arguments
Seeing or hearing what other people do not see or hear
Suicidal thoughts
Wandering about the streets
Love for dirtiness
Having odd beliefs
Proudness and self-righteousness
Sleeping outside or under bridges
Come for any of these symptoms or ailments, and rest assured you’ll be treated in tandem with Islamic teachings and prophetic medications.
Call/WhatsApp: +238068048800, +2348056234015