Mental illness is also known as ‘mental disorder’. As defined by the World Health Organization, “It is ABNORMAL thoughts, perceptions, emotions, behaviour and relationships with others.”

The word “abnormal” in quote is the first determinant of mental disorder. A ‘mentally disordered’ person does things in the ABNORMAL way that differentiates him/her from other NORMAL people.


There are many factors that lead to mental illnesses, some of which are:

– Genetics Factors: Some mental illnesses are inherited, i.e in a family chain, some mental illnesses are transferred from a generation to the other, or from parents to their offspring(s).

– Hard substances: Usage of hard substances like Cocaine, Hard Drugs, Weed, Refnol, Cannabis, Shisha among others hard substances had led many people into mental disorder. Many of those roaming on the streets as mad (wo)men got there through the usage and abuse of hard substances.

– Unhealthy Habits: Late night sleep, lack of rest, sleep, smoking or inhaling smokes can easily set one on path to mental disorder.

– Tragedies: Tragedies of life like lost of one’s loved ones, lost of properties, accidents, failure, rejections among other unfortunate occurrences, easily, can trigger mental disorder.

– Overthinking/Anxiety: Owing to the ‘tragedies factors’, victims who thinks a lot out of depression or worries can easily end up as patients of mental disorders


– Brain Damage: Idiocy and ailing brain are among the major effects mental disorder has on its victims.

– Anxiety: Mental disorder drags the victim to a state of restlessness, and distressed sense borne out of unfortunate or uncertain events.

– Depression: Another effect mental illness has on its patients is soaking them in pool of unhappiness/depression.

– Bipolarity: It is also known as maniac or clinical depression. Sometimes, it is characterized by mood swing of the patient(s) for no justifiable reason.

– Seclusion Or Strained Relationship With The Society: No one wants to relate with victims of mental disorder, hence, they end up being secluded out of their unkemptness or abnormal behaviors.

– Erratic Behaviors: This happens to be the commonest effect of mental illness; abnormal behaviors is the most notable effect of mental disorder on its victims. They behave abnormally in a way that differentiates them from other normal human beings.

– Self Harm: If a mental Illness case is not thoroughly handled, the patient may result to self harm, and by this, those near him aren’t safe either as they could get harm through his/her abnormality.

– Suicidal Thoughts: The thought of ‘self-kill’ is that which constantly visits the mind of a mentally disordered patient; especially the highly depressed among them.


The commonest treatments of mental illness are listed below:

– Medicines: The most antecedent cure to mental illness is ‘medicine’. Scientifically, Medicines such as “Selective Serotinin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Prozac, Escitalopram Oxalate (Lexapro), among others has been of great help right from time to cure mental illness.

– Psychological Therapy: Therapies like Supportive Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal Therapy among other therapies helps a lot in the healing of mental illness.

– Societal/Peer Change: Changing of environment or peer groups where some patients of mental illness became afflicted could play a significant role in healing them. A young man who became an addicted drug user out of an environment or peer group he found himself could have such environment or peer group changed to a better one where he won’t have access to the hard substances.

– Healthy Behaviors: Adequate sleep, rest, ‘smoke-free life’ as opposed to the unhealthy behaviours like lack of sleep, smoking and all; is one among the salient treatment of mental illnesses – considering the mental illness was borne out of those unhealthy behaviours.

– Complementary Therapies: Meditation and relaxation strategies could not be underestimated in restoring good mental health, too.

– Counseling: Time to time counsel of the patients could aid them in not returning to their previous unhealthy acts which had worsen their mental health, hence fostering their healthy habits.


Not all mental illnesses can be ‘scientifically proven’. Those that cannot be proven scientifically, happens via supernatural forces – these are the ‘spiritual mental illnesses’. These said illnesses could be attack(s) via:

(i) Al-Ayn (Evil Eyes)
(ii) Sihr (Sorcery / Black Magic)
(iii) Jinn (Genie)

(i) Al-Ayn (Evil Eyes): There are ‘spiritually powerful’ individuals whose eyes could easily draw afflictions to other people. This could cause delay in their foreseen successes, and peradventure, bring them mental illness.

Imam Ahmad said: ‘Very rarely will a house be found without anyone being affected by the evil eye or jealousy.’

Allah, may He be exalted, said in the Glorious book: “And indeed, those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes when they hear the message and they say, “Indeed, he is mad.’” (Al-Qalam: 51)

Sequel to that, the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention was also reported to have said: “The evil eye is real and if anything were to overtake Qadr (divine decree), it would have been the evil eye…”

(ii) Sihr (Sorcery / Black Magic)

Sihr is the devilish instrument magicians use to delude and confuse people, so that the one who is watching thinks that it is real. They, the magicians, do this by applying beliefs, rituals or actions, so they can subdue or manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces. Spiritually, the supernatural forces behind this can birth mental attack / illness, as well.

Sihr has been in existence from time immemorial, one of its foremost traces is the display between Prophet Musa and the Sorcerers in Surah (Taha verse 65-70) where Musa later won the sorcerer after dropping his stick, which would later, go on to swallow all the magics of the ‘then magicians’.

(iii) JINN (Genie)

Jinn are creatures from the unseen world – they are made from fire. “And We created the Jinn before that from the smokeless flame of fire” (Quran 15:26-27)

Most, if not all spiritual mental illness are borne out of Jinn attack. They attack individuals for the following reasons:

– Revenge: This could happen due to a situation where an individual mistakenly sit and match on them, since they are unseen creatures. It could also be by pouring hot liquid on them or breaching their privacy. They, then, proceed to attacking such individual and afflict him/her with mental illness.

– They could be sent by sorceres who use black magic or power. Some devilish individual use the power of Jinn to attack fellow humans, thence, causing them mental illness.

– Jinn also attack people because they admire them and want to have an affair with them. An extremely beautiful (wo)man could entice a Jinn, and as a result, the latter could attack the former. This, easily, could cause the former, mental illness.

– Jinn also attack people because of anger, uncontrolled emotions, fear and following desires.


Spiritual attack / illnesses can be avoided via engaging in virtues and abstaining from vices (sins). Morning and Evening Adhkar (spiritual invocations) could be said to avoid spiritual attack. But, once an individual is attacked and it results in mental illness, the preponderant way out is Ruqyah (Excorcism).

AR-RUQYAH (Exorcism)

‘Ruqyah’ is the practice of treating illnesses via Qur’anic verses and legal invocations as prescribed by the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention. It is a cure against evil eyes, magic and mental ailments.

Allah, may He be exalted, said: “… And We send down in the Qur’an, that which is a cure and a mercy for
the Believers.” (Q17:81-2)

The Prophet had also said: “Make good use of the two cures: honey and the Qur’an.” (Ibn Mājah)
In another authentic narration, Ai’sha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “When the Messenger of Allah was ill, Angel Jubril performed Ruqyah on him.” (Muslim)

Owing to the above, the Messenger of Allah once saw a girl whose face had changed colour in the
house of Ummu Salamah, he, the Prophet, said: “Seek Ruqyah for her, because she has been affected by the evil eye.” (Bukhari)

The above cited evidences are attesting to nothing but the authenticity of Ruqyah as the most effective means to ‘spiritual mental illness’.


The answer is not farfetched. The best place to have one’s Ruqyah is ISLAMIC HERITAGE HERBAL CLINIC, Ogbere Idi-Ahun, Mosfala, Muslim Ibadan, Nigeria.

A fore-bearing Islamic Hospital which needs no or little introduction. A certified ‘Healing Centre’ which had returned health to bodies of countless number of people across the country and the globe.

Worthy to add; its medicines are NAFDAC accredited, its staff are up-to-task, and it is located and operates in a serene and friendly environment.

Give us a try today, no regrets await you, bi idhniLLah.
Contact: +2348056234015 +2348068048800




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