On Hypertension

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition when the pressure in one’s blood vessels becomes too high or abnormal.


While a healthy blood pressure reads less than 120/80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), an elevated blood pressure reads between 120/129 mmHg. Stage 1 hypertension reads between 130/139 mmHg, while stage 2 hypertension reads between 140mmhg or higher.


Sadly, anyone can be hypertensive regardless of age or size, and when not given adequate attention, Hypertension can easily lead to stroke or heart attack, loss of speech or memory, loss of sexual feeling or erectile dysfunction, slumping and sudden death, among many other effects.


Hypertension can be detected by many symptoms including irregular heartbeat, severe headaches, nosebleeding, chest pain, constant fatigue, vision problems, blood in the urine.


However, there are some non-medicinal treatment for hypertension like lifestyle changes, eating a healthy and low-salt diet, losing weight, being physically active, quitting tobacco or any hard substances among others.


But a more effective treatment for Hypertension is at Islamic Heritage Herbal Clinic, Ogbere Idi-Ahun Ibadan where we have used non-chemical, highly-effective and NAFDAC-registered medicines to treat hundreds of hypertensive patients, who have now forgotten they once had hypertension.


While we use conventional medical treatment, we also combine natural and prophetic medicines, which differentiate us from the rest and make our patients get well in sniff of a mucus.


Are you an hypertensive patient or do you have anyone with hypertension around you? Kindly call or WhatsApp Dr Ismail Jamiu on: +2348068048800, +2348056234015 or visit www.islamicherbalclinic.com


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